SBD--promo, fromo, gromo, tromo, promo
This is the hawt infertile lurve story. Probably the only smut story with an infertility theme out there. I really like this story I wrote because....ummm. I do.
Direct Deposit is an e-novella in an e-anthology called Who's Your Daddy with Summer, Lyn Cash and Alexis Fleming. I love Lyn's take on the conversation that got this started. It's not so far off the mark, only there were more rioters early on.
I think her blog entry is way more fun than this particular SBD which is in dire need of some cheerleader smilies or maybe more and better coffee (new year's resolution: cut back on the coffee. So far, bleargh). Rah, Rah Rioting!
Here's yet another link to the anthology.
AND HERE is my SBD for the day: Go on, buy our book.
Complain to Lyn if you hate it; write to me if you love it.
I had so much fun writing with you!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to start another one - bwaa haa haaa.
ReplyDeleteSeriously - your story is amazing. I've always loved your writing anyway, but this one has a really special heroine and hero. Love 'em.
See, now, I want to read your next story. (Hey, I liked the last one so much that I bought a copy even though you emailed a copy in advance!) But I'm afraid that the Who's Your Daddy? title totally squicks me out, even knowing the context of the stories.
ReplyDeleteHeh and Eww. Hadn't even thought of that.
ReplyDeleteWhat is so very sad is that people who DO like that icketty "oh Daddy Do ME PLLLEEEEEZE" stuff are going to be disappointed. There are a lot out there too.
Not incest all the time but older man taking care of young girl's needs? One of the All The Rages. There are so many All the Rages at the moment. MM! MMF! BDSM! PDF!
oh and I just read an older woman younger man novella that ventured into that slightly incestual feel, only with Spiritual Mother Earth tones. Sorry, still squick-city.
ReplyDeleteomg - I didn't even THINK of that. *bangs head* I KNOW - should have. Just not how I'm wired.
ReplyDeleteWhat's funny - Kate, do you remember who came up with that title? - lol. MERRY, our inspie writer!