5, no 4, sad things, a list of personal woes

1. Santa Claus thinks I should be whupping the boys more (well, not that he used those exact words but if I wanted to stop the dears, nothing short of violence would work).
UPDATED: never mind. Righteous fury unnecessary. SC is a Fraud.

2. My emmy-winning neighbor had Ned Lamont over to do some kind of sound mix thing and I missed him. Not the neighbor--I see him a lot. Ned! I didn't get to see Ned! I forgot to wander by to borrow sugar at the right time.

3. My stomach. Bleh.

4. Every single tomato in the garden, even the green ones, have been nibbled by squirrels or woodchucks. I was gathering them in for the coming frost and ended up hurling them against the shed wall (a satisfying activity, actually). Can't toss them in the compost because then next year's garden will be filled with thousands of tomato volunteers. THOU-ZANDS of them.

5. Two out three boys require new winter coats and boots and (if I take pity on them) snow pants. See, Suisan? New England in the fall=splendid beauty. ...Winter=brrrrrr misery once the joy of the first few snows has passed.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Santa can go rub a monkey's tummy. Those are the best boys in the world. Wish I was their uncle. Hey wait a minute -- I am!

    Sit on a throne of lies - gotta work that one into a grant proposal soon.

    Woof to Suzie.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Wait - B2 pulled the old wool over? Dude! You totally sit on a throne of lies!!

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hey, this is boy 1. Alex executed it very well, but it was my idea. I hatched the idea last night, when Kate was kicking me out of her room so I couldn't watch the play off game. I assigned boy 2 the code name "Santa Claus". I was to be Karl Marx, but I forgot to make the post. And everyone knows the Father of Christmas is nowhere near as good as the Father of Socialism.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Furthermore, righteous fury is, in fact, necessary.

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Heheh, see that, boy 1? She called us dears. Awwwwww, I feel aww wawm and fuzzy inside.


  6. I'm still laughing over Santa Claus and Karl Marx.

    See, Suisan? New England in the fall=splendid beauty. ...Winter=brrrrrr misery once the joy of the first few snows has passed.

    March in New Engalnd, when everything is still grey, and you've had to shovel out your walkway for the four millionth time and the first layer of snow is trapped under three inches of ice is awwwwful.

    But I like October!

  7. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Kate, send those boyz over to me. They can have a boyish time clearing out the carport of snake-camouflage hiding places, and then they can go and camp in the back paddock and make as much annoying noise as they want, and no one will hear.

    Oh, and there's a paddock that needs mowing, too. I'm sure between the three of them they can get it done in an afternoon.


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