The rejecter seems to be acting up.

I've got yet another recommended dkos diary. I don't get why this one went to the top of the page. It's just a cute little anecdote, not a major Truth (there we go with the Truth again, Doug.)

Once it hit the big time, I did tag on a moral: JFDI. Make the calls for something you care about.

Speaking of dkos, I'm tarred tarred tarred of self righteousness and anger. Sure, it's all bad but Shut UP all ready. I'm TARRED to the point that I wanna just flipping take DOWN the next person who Gets all SHRILL on my BUTT about REpugs. Sheet, yah, that's a way to win hearts and minds, ya moron, call them NAMES.

heh. Joke, sorta.


  1. Oy. Name calling. Always helpful.

    Political secret: ready?

    Get out the vote (GOTV) phone banking is completely critical to a successful campaign. Supporters tend to surround themselves with other supporters and assume that everyone in the electorate must believe the same thing. And a huge section of any democratic/liberal sub-group Do Not Vote.

    Walking precincts (by candidates or Very Very well trained volunteers) is crucial to getting questions answered, but by far the most important piece, beyond advertising, beyond direct mail, is GOTV calling. Direct mail only works if you've contacted each voter FIVE times before the election. (Ever wonder why your mailbox is creaking?) But with one GOTV call, with a volunteer reading from a script, you can get your boys and girls to actually vote.

    BTW--I have the "Most likely Voter" list for my town. I know who's voted in the last election, in the last municipal election, in the last two municipal election, who's a registered party member, etc. I'm on the School Board.

    Most of my supporters, young families with school-aged kids, do not vote.

    Last election, when I was walking precincts, only knocking on the doors of Most Likely Voters so as to target my efforts, I would skip house after house after house. I actually sat in the car and cried at one point because it was so depressing.

    (And then what's really awful is when one of my supporters calls me, now that I'm in office, and tells how how important and great I am. I was researching something else, and I realize a few weeks later that this supporter had never voted either. Actually, a good portion of my friends STILL never made it to the polls in my election. I know this because I have the most recent Most Likely Voter list from a school bond measure.)

    The second most effective call-banking we did was ON election night. You go to the polling places, which have to post the names of the people who have voted there I think hourly, figure out who on your call list has not yet made it to the polls, and then rush back to the call center to ask if they plan to vote.

    I know of a candidate who went to a friend's house after such a call to watch her kids in the tub so that she could go to the polls and vote for him before they closed. (Obviously, they knew each other very well. This is NOT a recommended technique.)

    Anywhoo, congratulations on volunteering at the phone bank. It may seem like a stupid thing to do, but what you did is CRITICAL to the success of the political point of view you wish to promote.

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I've had great fun phonebanking. I'll never forget the lady who told me about the blister on her back. (Never tell them your candidate is a MD. They think they can get free medical advice.)

    And what's with the Bosnian crafts?

  3. Here's what I mean about Bosnian crafts:
    ! SOCKS! Yahoo SOCKS!
    and other things.

  4. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Yeah, I went there. Are you affiliated with this group? The reason I ask, my daughter's Model UN team is Bosnia. I thought I'd buy her some crafts to wear to The Hague. Do you think she would be more convincing as an actual Bosnian diplomat if she were wearing the socks?

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Congrats, Kate! That was an entertaining and edifying post. And who cares about rejections when the Kos community loves you :)


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