chapter five TUTGBBMCSMB

broken sobbing alert continues. This state of starry-eyed blubbering is usually only reached after three fruity alcoholic beverages.

Ann Aguirre has it. This is the best. She's won. God, this book brings tears to my eyes it's so so so. . . Oh. Lordy. Tumperkin, Carolyn Jean, Carrie, Ann. You are all....Oh. Shit... it's all so beautiful. I was THERE. I was PART OF GENIUS. Oh. OH. Ohhhhh.

Now that your nipples and heart are on full turgid alert, go read.
Chapter one is at Tumperkin’s.
Chapter two is at Carolyn Jean’s.
Chapter three is at HERE! My Place!
Chapter four is at Carrie Lofty’s.
Chapter five is at Ann's. (see above)
Chapter six (and the finale!) will be at Lisabea’s.

Links etc lifted directly from Ann's blog. I'm still too verklempt to busy myself with links and trivialities.


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    All due respect to Ann (and I do like her "for the children" angle), I still like yours best.

  2. I love your Terry Pratchett bookshelf.

    And my chapter will be up on Friday.


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