PS Bettie Rocks

and while you're over looking at Bam's old contests, which really are fun (see my promise at the link on the right?) read the first chapter of Bettie Sharpe's story.

Actually if you were me, you'd wait the ten agonizing weeks for the whole thing to to be out because you'd hate that drip....drip....thing with serial stories that hook you. Instant gratification in necessary when it comes to a good book. If you were me, you'd have the attitude of screw you, Charles Dickens.

At the end of a single chapter, I keep hoping the rest of the book will magically appear. This book by Bettie hooked me good.

OR maybe you could email Bettie and beg her for the story? Offer her riches; offer her writing contracts (and feel free to throw in my first born child with your offer. He's stealing his brothers' halloween candy and causing much unhappiness.)

And has Carrie announced the title of her coming Kensington book yet? I'll go see if it's up at her blog. . . .


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