ohhhh the weather outside is frightful

Walking to school rituals. . .

We sing every morning as we pass the giant tacky snowman ball in front of our neighbor's house. Inside the globe a manically grinning snowman family stands around under blowing white stuff. "Let It Snow" is written in christmasy font on the front of the snowball. We must sing. Too bad we don't know the lyrics.

A few houses down, Boy 3 and I pass the head-bobbing lit-up reindeer doe. More than a week ago I made the mistake of pointing out that it looked like a cat tossing up a hairball. Boy 3 must now make HURK HURK sounds as we pass that.

I love Christmas decorations.

This morning we added another ritual to the walk. We turned the corner and for the second day in a row, a blast of wind hit us. Whoa momma. Since the temperature is hovering at about 5 degrees, this is a big event. We yelled "Oh LAWSY!" yesterday and we did today, too. I feel sorry for the Hurricane Katrina evacuee who's staying across the street. he might have enjoyed the foot of snow we got a few days ago (which is still hanging around) but by now he thinks he's landed in a pit of a frigid hell.

Why do you care about this? I doubt you do, but I'll stop walking boy 3 to school someday soon. And maybe I'll be smart enough to keep this to remember it wasn't just a lot of whining.

Now I have to go thaw out my legs, get my travel mug of coffee and go to work.


  1. Those are some fine reminiscences. I bet you're a way-fun mom. Not mean like me--lately, I've been snapping at my son (fatigue, holiday stress, revisions), but I can't blog about it 'cause my MIL reads my diary.

  2. You're right to hold on tho those little traditions. I used to walk my daughter to the bus stop until this year, when she suddenly got too big to have me accompany her (she went into sixth grade and to the middle school, so the kids are all older than she is, and she didn't need me holding her hand to embarrass her) But I still have the memories of us skipping to the tune of "We're off to see the Wizard", or giggling about the life-sized, plaster cat the neighbor put on his stone wall to keep the birds off his cherry tree, and the ritual of always taking at least one honeysuckle flower off the vine as we went by it in the spring.
    Those years went by far too fast...


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