warning, a political thingy. Also, it will make your jaw drop. I'm serious. The poem that showed up in Pakistani school books spells it out . Officials claim it was just an amazing coincidence. Here's the start. See if you can figure out allllll the first letters of the poem's first lines. If you can't guess the secret behind the rest of the excrescence, and you want to, go ahead--read the whole poem at the BBC link above. Be prepared to feel ill, laugh yer ass off (or perhaps applaud?) I guess it's a success as a work of art because it's guaranteed to have an effect on most peeps. THE LEADER by anonymous P atient and steady with all he must bear, R eady to meet every challenge with care, E asy in manner, yet solid as steel, S trong in his faith, refreshingly real. I sn't afraid to propose what is bold, D oesn't conform to the usual mould, E yes that have foresight, for hindsight won't do, N ever backs down when he sees what is true, T ells it...