We Got Apples, lots and lots of APPLES

Fine. Don't answer my question about that book. No one's read it.
Thanks to Aya, we got pictures, too. (and as usual, she's the instigator of the apple event)


  1. They look awfully yummy. We do that when we manage to take a trip to our favorite place in PA. Always hit the apple orchard, I bring them all home and make homemade applesauce. Drop them in the crockpot with some sugar and cinn let them simmer for hours and voila yummy homemade applesauce. Freezes great!

  2. Don't you love having your own fruit? We have two cherry trees, and it makes me feel quite pioneery to eat so many of them that I get the runs.

    And no, I haven't read the potato peel book.

  3. netti, yes it's fun but apples should be harder to pick or smaller. And the orchard shouldn't be so pleasant I've already made 2 batches of applesauce, but not that method. Also two batches of crumble, and 4.5 pies.

    esri rose, it must appeal to some part of the lizard brain to go out and gather harvests. It does always feel satisfying.

  4. actually Mike the Husband(the guy munching an apple in bottom photo) made the pies. He's an excellent pie-man.

  5. Hey Kate, I wrote about the apples too! http://ayarothwell.blogspot.com/2008/10/apple-picking-and-limulus-polyphemus.html

    Also I have eaten almost all the apples I smuggled back.

  6. aya--then you didn't smuggle enough goddamn apples.

  7. That picture makes me wanna take a crisp bite


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