turn the page why don't you

Don't know why I always come back to referring to that damned save the children ad whenever I want to push a book. Because even I know:

Save the starving children =/= Buy Summer's book.

A wide-eyed youngster staring up at you from the page in the New Yorker, wondering why she's had to endure so much suffering. I wonder when the last time they used that very effective blackmailing method in their ads? It has to be at least 20 years, right?**

Begging and Pathos is not working for me. NO ONE IS COMMENTING over at that blog. And the hideous realization that this is only the Monday of a week of promo? Is making me whimper like a kid who has to pee and just realized he's got to wait 76 miles for the next exit. Unlike the starving children, that particular example does seem to fit. )

Come on.

Buy a book = let poor Ralphie out of the car to pee in the bushes

At twitter I promised no attempts at guilt. No such luck here.

LOOK! There's the excerpt. Did I mention there's also an interview with me over there? And if you comment on either between now and Friday, you can win a book.

Next up, I'll be nagging you to visit Samhain's blog where I post tomorrow morning. I'll make that post entirely original and funny and filled with poignant pith. Yup. And then there's a chat at noveltalk on Wednesday. I'll bribe you with whatever it takes. Pride? Who needs pride? I have a goddamn ebook to flog.
**TANGENTIAL UPDATE: I went looking for references to that particular "turn the page" ad campaign, and the only direct reference I could find, after searching a couple of pages of google, was this book called Compassionate Fatigue by Susan Moeller I wonder if using guilt to get money started to backfire on them? People resent being told they're heartless. Or it became such an overused phrase?


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