screw politics

Linda wrote a nice review of Revealing Skills here.

If I get my act together, maybe my thursday thirteen will be thirteen nice things people have said about my books. It would definitely be an entry designed for me--something to look at it when I get rejections or almost worse, the prolonged silence.

This July equals three years? Four years? Since I sent a partial off to Time Warner. Last time I checked (back when they were still Time Warner) they said no, they hadn't lost it.

anyway, the writer's mantra:
Remember, a rejection or a bad review is just one person's response to your work.

And all good reviews reflect the response of thousands of readers. Don't ask me how that works--it just does, okay?

Linda said she liked the climax of the story which other reviewers have said sucked doo doo, or words to that effect. **

So there. Neener, neener.


** enough reviewers said it that I started fret mode. My rule of thumb: One person says somthing sux, you shrug it off. Two, you wonder. Three you start to fret. Four, you stop reading anything that could be a review.


  1. the writer's mantra:
    A rejection or a bad review is just one person's response to your work.

    And all good reviews reflect the response of thousands of readers. Don't ask me how that works--it just does, okay?

    I'll be chanting this mantra a few months from now, myself. I also plan on frequently reminding myself that worrying about reviews is a problem I've always wanted to have, since it's something that every published author goes through :o)


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