RWA: yes, but...

I still want to know what the "slippery when wet" get-up looked like.

I absolutely agree that if you're a professional writer, you should look like a professional, but...
Do you want the romance writers to appear more professional?
Do you want the world's professional attire to be more fun?

Fashion does change, after all. Bring back the bustle, day-glo colors and maybe white wigs. Someone over at SBTB said she'd love to go to a convention of lawyers where everyone showed up with a swan on the head.

I dress to not show up in a crowd, always. What would happen if everyone wore something outrageous? I'd stay home, probably.

* * * *
Unrelated: About Shelfari: (I'm not putting in a link, but you'll know what I mean if you got this email a few thousand times yesterday and today: I just joined Shelfari to connect with other book lovers. Come see the books I love and see if we have any in common. Then pick my next book so I can keep on reading. Click below to join my group of friends on Shelfari!)
So what do you think? Should the person who came up with the idea should get an award for sheer genius or a kick in the pants and six months in jail?


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Just wanted you to know my word verification is "ovvgijsm." Ew.

    I never wear a tie. I always wear tennis shoes and white socks, even with dress pants. Several years ago, I figured out that my patients didn't care what I wore, so I might as well be comfy.

    I need to go ovvgijsm now.

  2. I love to dress up, but limit it to Halloween.
    I'm with you -- I dress to blend.
    But I think I'd enjoy seeing others 'getting into the spirit' - anything to take the focus of moi.

  3. I don't think of myself as the sort of person who dresses to stand out, but let's face it, I'm tall. Also, I like dresses. I have a ton of them, and wear them whenever I can. I'm always getting accused of "dressing up" but I'm not. I'm just lazy. A dress is a whole outfit all by itself. Throw on a nice pair of shoes, et voila! you're dressed. Throw on a blazer and kazaam! you're dressed for the office.


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