SBD, really whiny writer edition

I can't get time to write. Which means I can't get time to read because when I don't write, I don't let myself read. Stupid rule, but it seems organic at this point, as in I pick up a book, start to read it and think "Oy, you can do better" or "Oy, you'll never be this good" and either of those leads to "You know you'll never improve if you don't get the pages done."

When I get my ten pages a day done, I can let go and live. When I don't even manage 1.5 pages a day, my Writer's Angst hangs around like fug from a smoking room, polluting the reading, writing and parenting worlds. I haven't done ten pages in months. MONTHS.

Portrait of the Writer in Summertime

Writer's Guilt isn't the only block on the reading just now. I can't seem to manage anything longer than a blog post and some of those longer blog entries are too much for my flea-brain to comprehend.

But enough of my whining. No, really, I mean it for once. That's because I have a question for my friend L who can manage books:

She just finished The Time Traveler's Wife (which I tried to read but can't. Hop. Hop.) And is looking for another summer book. Any suggestions? She tried a Patricia Gaffney but wasn't impressed. There was one Patricia G she really enjoyed but now I've forgotten the title.

She doesn't really enjoy straight romance, but seems to gravitate towards Women's Fiction. Hmmm. Maybe I should lend her An Inconvenient Wife by Megan Chance.

Except I think she likes books with lots of Sympathetic Characters. I don't recall an abundance of them in that book. I'd try to read it again but even reruns are tough for . . . no no no, whine time is over.

Give me titles for L, okay?


  1. I'll bite. I loved The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch. Awesome awesome coming of age literary fiction with giant squid and G-spots. How can you go wrong with those two elements in a novel?



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