Yet another "Kate is a Fraud" Day?

Yep, there're a lot of these days--way too many, if you ask me.
I'm going to go back to work, but first I have to stop for a quick whine about the fact that everyone on the goddamn planet writes better than I do and there's no point in my writing another sentence because it's all crap, crap, crap and I don't know how I managed to fool anyone for more than a minute that this useless shallow nonsense is worth wasting even a single sheet of cheap recycled paper.


Now I'll go drink some coffee, eat another chunk of something yummy from my huge pile of Bajram goodies the ladies gave me** (bakalava, borek, smoked chewy mystery meat, pitak, and a few other mysterious sweet things) and then get back to work.

* * * *

later on: huh. Remember how I kvetched about Futurelove's first review which was on ecata? Daisy Dexter Dobb pointed out ecata's review of it --the book got 4.5. I don't think it's the same review, either. Weird. But this is me, not complaining, okay?

We are temporarily free of ice around here (in January!?!) I'll take psychodoggy for a walk this evening which is always good for shaking off the last of the stupid Fraud Day sensations.


**I have to keep that job -- I've grown addicted to Muslim holiday food.


  1. Hey, hey, hey…I saw that dynamite 4.5-star review you just received from eCataRomance for Futurelove, missy, so quit your unwarranted whining and get back to work writing! LOL

  2. Yo. Chill. And send me the Baklava.

  3. And send me the borek.

  4. How do you think I feel? I really do write better than anyone else on the planet, but I can't get (hardly) any magazine editors to agree with me.

    Pearls before swine, I say!

  5. Um, what's borek?

    Okay, okay, I'll google it.

  6. I'm willing to mud wrestle ferfelabat for the baklava. I can't get enough of the stuff with a cup of turkish coffee...heaven! How can you think you're a fraud with baklava in the house? I cannot think period when the gooey deliciousness is near me.

    We'll not even get into the topic of how you can think you're a fraud at all.

  7. Kate:

    I think every writer feels like a fraud at least once a day. At least, I do. I think everybody feels like eating baklava at least once a day, too. At least I do.

  8. Oh - psychodoggy! My mom has one like that - he bites Everyone, including my mother and small children. Cars have hit it, it's fallen into the lake - and still it lives. And its name?
    Talk about an oxymoron.


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