pruning face book

Apparently you're not supposed to use Facebook as a promo tool. No pictures of book covers as profile pictures---or that's the yahoo writer groups rumor that's zipping around. I'm too lazy to read the actual posting agreement so I put up my standard promo picture.

Other face book activity?

The Boy Who Won't let his mother be his facebook friend

The Boy Who Will.

In other news, Happy Birthday Brian Dennehy. (He's my facebook friend, too.)


  1. Apparently you're not supposed to use Facebook as a promo tool. No pictures of book covers as profile pictures---or that's the yahoo writer groups rumor that's zipping around.

    If it's true, I wonder if they're trying to make a difference between a profile page and a fan page? Because if no promo is allowed, the fan pages seem pretty silly. I'm a fan of all sorts of funny things on facebook, and those are promo tools! At least, I think they are. ;)

  2. I don't know. I think the people who had accounts deleted had HUGE NUMBERS of friends so maybe big numbers are some kind of trigger for FB that writers using FB as a marketing rather than interactive tool?

    But then famous people would never make it there and I doubt FB would boot JK Rowling if she showed up.

    Maybe it's just a rumor. So many things are.

  3. I just finally saw it on one of my lists, and the general idea seemed to be in line with what I thought...they're okay with making "pages" for an author, but not with your profile being your promo tool.

    That happens to be the way I did it, but not through any smart forethought...I already had a profile on Facebook and was too lazy to make a second one, so I just made a page for my author self. ;) I guess laziness wins!

  4. Apparently you can be his mother but not his friend, but then maybe that is only in Facebook land.

    Somehow that word "Facebook" simply rubs me the wrong way. I want to call it Assbook. It it like Twitter. Twit this.

  5. You make me hoot, Kate


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