suspicious minds

You have to wonder how, in an internet that contains blogs like PBW, and booksquare or even SBTB or Bam or Tumperkin or Mrs Giggles--oh, and not to mention a gazillion interesting agent/editor blogs--how my blog ended up a finalist in a literary/book blog category and they didn't**. I swear no money changed hands on this.

Also you have to wonder "who are those other blogs?" I've never heard of any of them and there's no way to go check out the other pages in the running. I suppose typing in the names might work, but that's so primitive.

Except, hey, look! I'm a finalist! Yay! I love winning contests so yo, yo, yo! go on and vote for me so I can say I'm an award winning blogger! I wonder if the winner gets a lil virtual plaque graphic they can try to put on their page... but they eventually lose the graphic in the bowels of their computer.

** maybe I'm in the "pitiful number of visitors a day" blog category? I should look around some more.


  1. Very nice. You got my vote, chica.

  2. I voted! It looks like you're in THIRD place!!

  3. I voted and proud of it.

  4. thanks guys!!

    I was going to ignore it because I have enough distractions but I've drifted over and actually visited a couple of the blogs listed in the various contests. Eh, somewhere between brill and dull.

  5. Oooh - I'll go and vote if I'm not too late!

    (And thanks for mentioning me in such exalted company!)


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