c'mon you guys

where's the tension? not even a squee of anticipation? and Linda? Where are you? I'm gonna hold my breath and just wait until someone begs me to tell.


aw heck, I have to get out of here because my husband is watching Showdown at Area 51 and I can't take much more of the dialogue ("I have a bad feeling about this").

She said she likes green. So Sam is the winner! But I don't think it's Sam Winston, is it? So the Sam in question should track down Linda Winfree and demand the goods, as in a good read. It's up to you two to figure it out. I have to flee bad teevee before the alien blasts someone else's arm off and we get a close up of the spraying stump.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Yes it's me Sam Winston! Yay for green! It's my favorite color too, so that's why I chose it.
    Will hunt down Linda. Very excited.
    Thank you!!


  2. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Yes it's me Sam Winston! Yay for green! It's my favorite color too, so that's why I chose it.
    Will hunt down Linda. Very excited.
    Thank you!!


  3. Graduate school essay from hell. It gallumphed me. Actually, the darn thing pretty much steamrolled me, then backed up and ran over me again.

    I'm here! Sam, zap me an email at linda_winfree at yahoo dot com, let me know which book from my backlist you'd like, in which format, etc. I'll get it right out to you!

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Saturday night, Karen insisted on watching something about vampires. Big long segment on the Blood Countess, which is charming stuff if Andrei Codrescu writes about her, not so charming when they're all acting it out. "There's nothing else on." Yeah, right. There's always soft core on Satellite. Then they got into the modern day vampires who are all a bunch of wimps, apparently, because they've sworn off biting and blood drinking. They feed off auras.

    We should have watched Area 51.


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