happy goddamn friday

I broke a record today. FOUR REJECTIONS in one day. Now that's a record I hope remains unbroken. For me and for any of you, too.

Do you know what I did in response to those rejections? I have a system and I followed my system. I stopped work, ate chocolate and sent out four more queries/manuscripts.

Today even the choccies were bad. They were almost worse'n the rejections. It was crap left over from nutrisystem box.

This writing life is no fun today. I think I'll go to the library and suck in some words instead of spitting them out.


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    They can't reject you. I wanna read more of your stuff.

  2. Oh lord, honey. Pick up some beer on the way back from the library. AND some decent chocolate.


  3. WHAT? You got rejected? What chance do us mere mortals stand? Bastards.

  4. aaw, honey - hugs on the R's, but way to go on sending something right back out there!!!!!

    Hey - put a damned link so that when we click on your latest book cover we get taken right to the publisher's website. SHEESH, woman. I didn't even know about this book!

  5. Aww man, that sucks HUGE. So sorry. You can come over on my blog and gimme shit anytime you want with days like that.

  6. That would have been ME up there on that comment. *g* Wrong sign in.

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I love your system. Can I steal it? I just got a rejection on a partial...oh, I had such high hopes. My cure: pizza. Maybe overboard. But hey, Knight's Challenge sure looks fun!

  8. Thanks for the "awww, poor Kate" notes, guys.

    sure, carolyn jean and here're more Kate's System Pointers:

    Try not to get too many rejections in one day. It's hard enough to stop everything to send out a single submission out when a rejection comes in. I try to keep the numbers constant.
    Friday was all about sending.

    Also if you're going for BSRS (bulk submission/rejection syndrome) the portions of pizza and chocolate should be kept reasonably small. No point in adding overweight to the misery if you have a lot of submissions out there.

  9. Sucks. no fun.
    I had another rejection and a bad review last week, too. But this week I have some hopeful news that may turn into something, although I won't know for a few weeks yet.

    What an up and down merry-go-round the writer's life is.


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