Thirteen things about JULIE COHEN!

Also known to the privileged few as Feckless or Feckled, depending on the mood. She's from Maine but lives in England. . . Or maybe I've got that first part wrong. We met at an RWA conference -- that I remember. So does she, it turns out.


1. Between March 2006 (when my first book came out) and February 2007, I had six books published and I had a baby. (I got pregnant just before my launch party for my first two books.) I'm a little tired at the moment.

2. My first US release, MACALLISTER'S BABY (Harlequin Presents August 07) is number six on the Waldenbooks/Borders series romance bestseller list this week. Yippee!!!

3. Neither my husband nor I can tie our shoes properly. I'm not sure how we're going to teach our son.

4. I compile sound tracks for all of my books to listen to while I'm writing them. My current one includes Louis Armstrong, Guns n Roses, and Hall and Oates.

5. One time I got an autographed postcard from Peter Tork of the Monkees, but I gave it to a barman whom I fancied.

6. I base the heroes of my books after actors. The hero of my current wip is Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy. My word, is he beautiful.

7. I sent John Cusack a copy of the book I based on him. Not that I'm a stalker or anything. Honest.

8. When I was researching my Little Black Dress book SPIRIT WILLING, FLESH WEAK, about a fake psychic, I went to the local spiritualist church and also had my tarot read. I'd say I'm skeptical about the paranormal, but there were little things about both experiences that I couldn't quite explain.

a photo of the fabulous Julie Cohen (note: she labeled it "cleavage.") She's posing with copies of her book Spirit Willing, Flesh Weak

9. My husband works for rock bands so I get to go to gigs for free. This weekend I'm taking my eight-month-old son to a rock festival. Dude!

10. I try to write 1000 words a day, while my son is sleeping and when my husband takes him out for a walk.

11. I met Kate Rothwell in New York City in 2003. The next time I saw her, in Dallas in 2004, she was signing copies of her first book. There are a lot of us who met as unpublished writers in New York who have been signing our books since. It gives one a sense of achievement.

12. I've got two books out in January 2008: MARRIED IN A RUSH (Harlequin Presents) in the USA, and ONE NIGHT STAND (Little Black Dress) in the UK. Strangely enough, both are about heroines who get pregnant in the first few chapters of the book. I wrote one of them when I was recovering from my third miscarriage, and the other when I was pregnant with my son. What a difference a year can make.

13. I was born on April 13th, so 13 is my lucky number. Not that I've ever won anything off it.


  1. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Whoops, I'm sorry, I forgot to post anything offensive or controversial to get the blog numbers up.

    The photo is called "cleavage" because I was seven months pregnant and I had a C cup for the first time in my life. It was VERY exciting.

    Thanks for having me as a guest Kate!

  2. You've been blogcleaning, Kate! Me too. Thx for adding my site to your sidebar. I did a 13 on songs from 2007. Come, listen -- be hip!

    Julie, I completely understand about the cleavage thing. I managed a B-cup when I was pregnant, achieving a life-long dream of fitting an unpadded bra, but that's all...gone now. And I don't think it's coming back. Nice to 'meet' you.

  3. I will de-lurk long enough to say that those Presents books involving babies are my favorite secret pleasure. After reading Julie's 13 I clicked over to Fictionwise and bought a copy MacAllister's Baby. I can read it on my PDA and look officious while doing so.

    Oh, and once upon a time I'd have killed for a Peter Tork autograph.

  4. I just read that today and no baby but some adolescents. I bought it this afternoon and wouldn't let anyone bug me while I read it. I love books that grab me like that and it's a perfect escape. Good book, too.

    I've OD'd on category romances and I kept waiting for a stereotype to pull me out but except for a single moment when the heroine was annoying it was great. Appealing grown up characters! Sexy fun hero! Yay!

  5. good rioting too.


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