nearly but not quite kilgore trout

I got my Dutch translations from Hilary.

I love this cover. LovVvVe it. I'm not as certain I love the inside because I don't speak the language. If anyone wants a copy, I have an extra, even after I sent copies to my puzzled relatives. You have to promise to read it and tell me what it's about.

The story is set in New York City and Minnesota. Heh. Except, okay, maybe somewhere in Minnesota looks like that landscape? I've been there and recall a lot of flat countryside and rolling hills. . . .but it is a big-ish sort of a state.

Now the hard-copy I'm longing to own, that I pray I will someday get in the mail, is the Portuguese version of Somebody to Love. I've only seen a small thumbnail photo of it online.

That book has a clinch cover! A real one! In a meadow with mountains in the background! The beauty of this is:

1. The entire story is set in lower Manhattan, New York City.

2. From the moment I set to work trying to get published in romance, I wanted a real clinch cover. Head back, eyes closed, hairs blowing, bosoms nearly out there (or in the man's case, heaving in the open air)...The whole nine yards. I've got it at last but I haven't actually gotten it.

Someday, perhaps, I'll have those Portuguese copies in my hand. I'm going to frame that cover.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Now you have me imagining cover art. Oh, the mind boggles. Do you suppose the Altoids people would object . . . ?


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