quotes, quotes, quotes

I have a Ned Lamont shirt, a Lamont sticker on my car and a Lamont sign in my yard.

I hate it.

This part of politics is super-cheesy** . . . Yet I have a strong need to see the backside of Lieberman.

But I need more--so I'm wandering around the internet, gathering reasons to vote for the man, not just against someone else. So I'll copy and paste some of quotes from him. That way I can convince my other neighbors to take some of these dang yard signs the local Lamont people dropped off at my house.

"War and peace are the most important stakes that your government deals with. The war says so much about what type of a country we are, our moral authority, and our priorities."

"Since my days on the urban league to teaching entrepreneurship at an inner city high school, I am committed to maximizing opportunity; we start by reinvesting in our cities- great schools, affordable housing, public transportation- and jobs."

Kid needs the computer for homework, so I'll have to stop for now.

**Those signs are truly tacky, as my blue-blood token Republican neighbor might say. Hi Greg! How're the plastic flamingos I stuck out on your lawn in the middle of the night? I haven't seen them lately for some reason . . .


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Go Lamont! (Funny how 'go' has two entirely different connotations. "Go Lieberman," as in, Go home, Joe!)

    Catrina, my billing gal, wants to know when you're going to publish more print romance. She doesn't like reading books on her computer, so I can't interest her in Summer's work (unless there's some way she can get it in print . . . ?) She told me to tell you to get busy with it already. She also told me to tell you that the sex scenes in your two books are a lot hotter than any erotica she has read.

    There, didn't that make your day?

  2. I like it, yes, thank you.

    You should point out to Catrina that she can read the ebooks on the computer and, as long as she keeps the screen facing in a direction you can't see it, you'll be paying her to read smut. (Unless you don't pay her by the hour. In which case, I'll have to figure out another Reason to Buy Ebooks)

  3. Kate, Ned Lamont is scheduled to be on Bobby Kennedy and Mike Papantonio's Ring of Fire show today (Saturday, and repeated tomorrow - Sunday -- 5 pm and 3 pm EDT, respectively, and streamable at Air America Radio's Ring of Fire). I've heard him several times and I'd vote for him any day. I appreciate your wanting to vote FOR someone. Hopefully, he will say something which will light your fire. (AND, I think the shows are archived and playable at other times at their own site, Ring of Fire.

    Peace Hugs!


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