SBD--go down two spaces and a want ad

It's cheating, but it's so clearly a SBD, okay? Yesterday's entry, I mean.

I think I still want recommendations in these areas:

Western Hystericals (not Georgina Gentry or what's her name. Connie Mason.)
Western Modern, with humor if possible. No, I don't mean Hank the Cowdog.
Gothic Historical and Modern. I recently read Beast a gothic modern. It was okay...I finished it and that's pretty good right now.

Here's the want ad, and I'm seriously hiring (for seriously little money) . . this arose after I thought about SBTB and the AAR thing.

Grammar Czar for proofer. Someone who knows Her Stuff and doesn't mind examining the trees and ignoring the forest. (I don't mind comments about the big picture, but that's not what I'm looking for now.) I need to have someone flag:
ambiguous antecedents,
when I give a green-eyed person blue eyes,
which word I've repeated over and over and over,
when I've had a guy sit down twice without standing up,
where I've forgotten to put in "to". (For some reason, I miss the word "to".) [note that quote period combo? For some reason it's what the epubs want. You should know that sort of thing.]
All this and more! Punctuation,
Names that change,
Spelling--I want it all, baby.
BUT YOU must also know that it's okay to have casual style -- e.g. some phrases without subjects. This is ROMANCE, not a technical manual.
Oh, and you must not mind reading smut. I figure if you're here, you're okay with it.

I have great critique partner types, but I don't have an anal-retentive proofer (they're all employed by actual publishers) and God knows I need one. I can only pay about $100 for a full-length [400 page] book, and way, way less for the ebooks--but once we hit something over the 2K advances, baby, we'll go higher.

I'll need some kind of CV or recommendations or something. I won't take your word for it that you're the best in the biz because one HUNDRED dollars is a lot in this pathetic corner of the world. I'd give some kind of test, but I doubt I'd see all the mistakes that I'm supposed to catch.


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