Megan Speaks. We answer.

Megan Frampton wants to know about the nuts.

I love Abby Godwin's answer to:
You’re writing in the Victorian period; what about it interests you? And have you read any Victorian porn?

Everything about the Victorian period interests me. Nothing was as it seemed on the surface; the entire society was based on appearances. You weren't supposed to say, do, or live anything real. Everyone was completely messed up. It's a writer's dream.

I have not read Victorian porn but I'll try anything once. Where the hell would I find it? I'm guessing my local library doesn't have any. Now you have me curious.

She hasn't read Walter's memoir. The great period slang in there inspired one of my books (that's currently getting rejected everywhere).

Now I'll answer the questions assigned to me:

If you could acquire any writer’s one skill (Jane Austen’s wit, Henry James’ bombast, William Gibson’s geek-talk), whose would it be? What skill would it be?
Depends on the day of the week you're talking about. Today, with only one page done, I'd pick Stephen King's ability to write ten pages a day. Usually I'd pick Jane Austen's wit. I'd skip Henry James's bombast. Many days I'd take either Judith Ivory or Laura Kinsale's ability to write kick-ass prose that doesn't scream I'M ART, ADMIRE ME.

What made you start writing as Summer Devon?
Arianna Hart and a real grownup sort of lunch at the Elbow Room. The fancy cocktails and Ari convinced me it was fun to write erotica. She was right. I picked Summer as a name because I got The Call (really the email) from Ellora's Cave during a blizzard and remembered that someone once said when picking a pseudonym go for something you fervently desire.

If you were able to choose the ideal Democrat to run for President in 2008, who would it be, and why?
Adlai Stevenson, because he was sane. You know I'd pick someone too far left to win, ya goober, like maybe Barrack Obama or Russ Feingold. I kind of like Chris Dodd.

How has blogging changed your life?
It's sucked up hours and hours of it--mostly reading other people's blogs. My own blog hasn't changed my life much at all. For a while it was fun to run contests but once I changed bloggers fewer people entered them.

And what is your favorite kind of nut?
Almonds. They're yummy. Or my middle boy, who's just about as nutty as they come.


  1. I think everybody else picked cashews.

    You are so alternative!

    Thanks for playing, I keep saying this, but I am loving this meme. Fun to do, fun to read, fun, fun, fun. Yes, I have been alone all day (except for with the six year-old); why do you ask?

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Ten pages a day is just work. Jane Austen's wit would be great. How about J.K. Rowlings millions. Now that would be cool.

    Don't forget I know I haven't made you rich, yet. But I'm working on it.

    By the way, I'm experimenting with paper. Any interest for The Last Mind Traveler?


  3. Damn. I forgot that I liked almonds too. I never get these questions *right*.

    Spend way too much time after tests rethinking the answers--what a waste of time--and now that I don't have tests anymore, I spend way to much time second guessing other "tests". Bleg.

    And I'd vote for Adlai Stevenson too.

  4. Summer Devon is you? Fuck, Kate, I can't tell you how long it's taken me to figure that out.

  5. How sweet! I was an influence on someone's life, and they're not cursing me about it. . .

    As for the "stuff" definitely save it for your children to deal with.

    The flag though, I think you can all the Veterans association and donate it or something. . .

    Sell the pictures on ebay, and I'll let you give the tea set to my girls unless you want to save it for your grandchildren. . .

    There, all the problems solved, hahaha

  6. yo reese! there are days I forget who I am too.

    and arianna? have you recovered from RT enough to drink again?


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