Ex-ec-u-tiv, Djud-i-shal, Ledj-is-lae-tiv

Whoababbeee, am I sick of those 96 questions (pages 61-66). They rattle around in my brain like pop tunes.

I made a tape of myself chanting them, but now I can't find the tape--I might have given it to Fikreta a couple of days ago--so it's back to live action today. We've gone through the first thirty, but as the ladies say, their brains were so rattled by war they have no memory. Or so they say.

The constitution is the supreme law of the land.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

    Well, it was until W decided that he wasn't bound by it. For him it's just a piece of paper, guidelines that can be ignored at will.

    Sorry. Had to spew that out. Please feel free to delete it.

  2. Naw, left wing rantage, always welcome. (For that matter, I don't even mind right wing, but I'll probably roll my eyes about it rather than applaud.)

  3. My new hero -
    Hugo Chavez.
    The man is a saint.

  4. Snort?

    I've just inked his name on all my tee-shirts.


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