
I missed SBD.

Thank you for the great recipes for chocolate cake, but the husband doesn't like change and actually wants the box mix cake we usually make around here for boy birthdays. I didn't argue.

During the 20 gazillion years we've been together, one of our worst fights was about his birthday and food. For his fortieth birthday I asked him what he wanted for the special birthday dinner and he said tuna casserole. I said no, how about something fun? He said no, really, that's what he really wanted.
recipe: (and I don't have to look it up)
1 can mushroom soup
1 can of tuna
2 cups cooked noodles
an egg
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (plus more for the top)
maybe some onion spice if we're feeling adventurous.

I don't like it much but it was something he liked so I made it for regular dinner now and then but ...GOD! NOT FOR HIS BIRTHDAY.

It took me the better part of an hour to realize it was HIS birthday. Now I usually make the goddamn tuna casserole on HIS birthday. [if I were an inspirational writer, I'd put in something here that makes the reader understand how this is actually a story about true love...I'll work on that.]. Oh, and part of the fight was about the line he always uses "I happen to like sticking with the same old thing. Like the same old wife." I still hate that line.

Speaking of hot romance, Learning Charity comes out at Samhain today.

--"listen, dude, ask for that 'hot tuna dish' again and I'll sock you."

* * * *

UPDATE: Shannon's Twice Upon a Roadtrip is a finalist in the contemporary category of the RWA's chapter Passionate Ink contest. I read that and realized I'd forgotten to brag: Perfection is also a finalist (novella category).


  1. Love the cover for Learning Charity!!

    I HATE tuna casserole. .

  2. I happen to like sticking with the same old thing. Like the same old wife.

    Omg Kate I actually gasped very very loud when I read that.

    Then busted out laughing.

    I ended up muttering an admiring rat bastard at the screen.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS on being a finalist! Why haven't you bragged about this in Belfry?!

    ...and Charity is getting some fabulous reviews - you go, girl!

  4. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Tuna casserole is classic comfort food. I don't like it, but I can understand how someone might. Maybe.

    What I want to know: is it significant that this blog concerns tuna casserole AND Learning Chastity?

  5. Lol, our Christmas dinner is Schinkennudeln (maccaroni, ham, egg yolks and cream, spiced with pepper and nutmeg, baked in the oven). So not anything special. But I prefer it to the whole array of ducks and geese usually served at Christmas.

  6. LOL My kids LOVe tuna casserole! (and chicken adn broccoli casserole and hamburger casserole...get the picture?)


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