dream analysis wanted

I have two recurring dreams.

I am at the beach house I went to as a kid. In the dream I am always saying or thinking, oh wow, I haven't been here for years.

Futhermore, in the dream I say or think hey, I dream about this place all the time. I know that this isn't a dream now because [fill in blank. I taste salt --or-- I hear waves --or-- I can see that museum and remember where the whaling exhibit was --or-- it's been twenty years (and it really has been.)]

Last night I had the dream and the fill-in-the-blank part was: I was talking to my aunt--the woman who owns the house--and telling her Hey, Henriette, I'm so glad to be here at last. You know, I dream about this place all the time.

She picked up her coffee and a section of The New York Times and started to read. I thought, Wow! Now I know this time it really isn't a dream. Not only can I hear the waves on the beach, but someone's ignoring me as I talk.

I was even more convinced than usual that I'd at last made it back to that house.

Absolutely true and absolutely pathetic.

I'll save my other recurring dream for another night. I don't want to expose you to too much excitement. That dream's also about a place.


  1. Non-spiffy analysis: you should visit that house. Or call your Aunt.

    Spiffy analysis: There is something from your childhood that you need to revisit, but you are resisting bringing it back into your life. The beach house symbolizes this feeling, activity, or person.


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