books, books, books

Miladyinsanity has cursed me and I'm not going to ignore her--no way. I will follow the meme. Also I like these things.

5 MUST Read Books:

1. Due to serious self-indulgence at Barnes and Noble (I bought anything I wanted and read them all) I don't have any must reads at the moment. Any suggestions?
I have yet to buy the books by Samantha Winston and KG McAbee (McAbee's won that contest) but I'll get around it soon. Oh and maybe Tall Tales by Al Jafee and Stephen Colbert. And people seem to like The Lace Reader

5 Books on the Nightstand and electronic equivalent (laptop):

  1. Your Scandalous Ways by Loretta Chase
  2. Thunderstruck by Erik Larson
  3. The Warrior's Gift by Bonnie Dee (LT)
  4. The Used World by Haven Kimmel
  5. Bonk by Mary Roach

5 Look For These Soon:

  1. That Terry Pratchett kids' book that's coming out soon, I hope
  2. Doesn't Julia Quinn have a book out in September?
  3. Watchmen by Moore/Gibbons. Kid stole the 1 copy we own
  4. Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles (partially in honor of the CA Cousins. Also sounds like a good book)
  5. BRON'S BOOK! At last. But, dang it all, it's not listed in any American stores I can find. It better make it to this side of the ocean. Hachette's her publisher.


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