Tsk! You readers!

Did I lose you with the me me me whining in that blog entry? Are you all so fed to the teeth with summer reading that you can't recommend a good book for my friend L, who needs one?

Shake off those blahs and give up some titles. She doesn't read too much sex (I doubt she's read a Summer Devon), she likes characters with depth. . .The last book she liked was Time Traveler's Wife. Maybe I'll bug her tomorrow about other books she's liked, but don't let that stop you. We're in a hurry here because summer ends in a couple of weeks.

Come on, y'all! Make up a summer reading list. (Meantime I'll be hanging around waiting for you and for the laptop to catch on fire. Ah, Dell. )

Leslie? I think you might have similar tastes. So? Name names.

Updated to include more Books L likes: She likes the book Bel Canto, she likes Anne Tyler books with quirky character. (Ha! Maybe she should try Louise Erdrich for heavens sake. Although she did say that the last Patricia Gaffney book she read the characters were too perfect and sweet. So nothing too sweet, okay? )


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I'd recommend Rosina Lippi's Tied to the Tracks for your friend. It's a lovely novel set in the South and written with great affection and respect. Disclaimer: it doesn't have any caricature characters, unlikely scenarios or unbelievably dirty linen dumped in the front parlor, and (thank you, God) no Conroyesque plot tigers.

  2. Annie Proulx's Shipping News
    Robin McKinley's Sunshine
    Lois McMaster Bujold (I like the Chalion series myself more than Miles', sacrilege I know)
    Donna Tartt's Secret History
    Carl Hiassen

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Outlander came to mind first. I've liked what I've read but haven't finished the book so I can't whole heartedly recommend.
    It's pretty much straight romance, but for quirky and great characters, a Jenny Crusie is good. I loved Faking It most of what I've read recently. Haven't tried the one with Bob Mayer but less straight romance.
    If she can handle gritty and a high violence level, the best new writer I've come across is Adrian McKinty. Wonderful lyrical prose, but very violent thrillers. Dead I Well May Be and sequel The Dead Yard are brilliant. Again, not for squeamish, but brill.

  4. Hmmm...how about:
    Who Makes Up These Rules, Anyway? by Stevi Mittman
    What Goes With Blood Red, Anyway? by Stevi Mittman
    Anna DeStefano's books

  5. hey these are great! Thanks guys. And I'm putting the ones I haven't read on MY list, too. Just what I need. . .First I have to read To Say Nothing of the Dog, though

  6. Leaving Mama - by Bobbie Cole *whistling*

    Anything by Fannie Flagg (Fried Green Tomatoes...) - she has a new book out now.

  7. Just finished both His Majesty's Dragon and The Jade Throne by Naomi Novik. I really liked them. (Dragons in the Napoleonic Wars.)

    Also read The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue. (Ghost Story)

    Also just finished TIme Traveler's Wife, so uh, I guess it can't go on the reading list.

    That's all I can come up with just now...

  8. Here are some writer-types recommending some summer reading at Macleans.


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