I was going to do a Sept 11 thing

all about how as the dust settled we were afraid for the people we worked with (Muslims) and how I went out with them to the grocery store because we really did fear someone would try to harm them--especially the women in their traditional headscarves. Even though the mood was fierce and ugly, no one ever did anything more than yell a couple of obscenities. I felt relieved and proud of us Americaners.

But then I remembered that my policy is I don't do those Sept. 11 things.

And anyway, Aya just posted a new comic book online. The cover art reminds me of the old children's book stories about Tim who was always going out to sea. Edward Ardizzone illustrations. (Sorry, Aya. I know artists hate being told, hey that looks just like so and so's work. But there it is.)

Okay. I'm going to slog through more revisions and then go read her comic book.


  1. Hey! Thanks for posting my comic book on your blog!

    It does look like a kid's book... so do my other comics... apparently my niche may be to do children's stories or covers.

  2. Only a few obcenities?

    That's still a few too many...

  3. That is a most excellent comic book!

    Kids' comics/graphic novels are really big now, so that being one's niche could be a really good thing.


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