why, why, why whining or SBD

1. Why don't they stop with the Star Trek and start with another bunch o' names and places? So many brilliant ideas out there. Firefly! I want more of that. And Pratchett and Viehl and ....a bunch more.

Okay, so I did stare at all the new ST stars to see if they resembled the old people. But come on. Star Trek ELEVEN?? You'd think a culture with a five minute attention span could move on from these 60s shows.

2. Why does my dog take naps halfway up the stairs? She just tumbled down, again. Thump, thump, whump. Scared both of us.

3. Why, when I need fluff most--sugar-coated sugar-books--do I find them dull? The books are fine. Same as they ever were. But I'm snarling about various life factors and my bad attitude is getting in the way of the latest faceless-female-glamorous-neck-to-knees-cover Regency-set book. I suspect it's the Why Not Me problem that would be solved with a snap of the fingers and a contract. It resembles Mistress Matisse's Princess Moment:

MM's definition.

A recent addition to the private lexicon: "a princess moment". ...When you have a princess moment, you're sort of having a moment of jealousy or envy, but it's been so heavily leavened with a sense how really, really silly you're being that you have to laugh at yourself even as you think, "No, no, don't you understand? I want that! It's all about meeeeeeee! Me me me me meeeee!" This phrase is especially applicable when a) the person you're being jealous/envious of has in no way taken anything away from you in obtaining their good fortune, and b) you're already so loaded with good things that, Christ, you probably couldn't even handle any more. Complete disregard of both those facts is essential to the princess moment, as is the total awareness that your emotional response is rooted in the unrestrained Id of a two-year-old. It's an example of having two contradictory emotional responses at one time. You just have to laugh about it.

But the good news is I haven't finished my Terry Pratchett glom and I still don't find him boring, even after ten books. Okay, so someone who loves Star Trek could fling that argument in my face, see? see? but I don't suppose he or she will.

4. Why isn't anyone reviewing my latest book, the dragon thing? Okay Mrs. Giggles did, but that doesn't count. She didn't like it much. What I actually mean is why isn't anyone squeeing with delight over it?

5. I think I'll make a promise to myself. Listen: When my new computer gets here, I will take at least three days off from whining in this blog and will scintillate with life affirming anecdotes and observations. The interview with Shirley Jump counts even though she's the one who wrote it. I will also try not use the word "I" as much even if it is a blog. Seriously.


  1. Yeah, Kate - you have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods. SHEESH.

  2. Oh my GOD!

    I'm sorry, did I just take his name in vain?

    What the hell was that? ::eyes sproggling::


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