school! school!

school! school! school! school! school! school! school! school!
school! school! school! school! school! school! school! school!

There. Doesn't that word look absurd?

Curriculum night tomorrow and Thursday! Back to school night next Monday! All parent mandatory meeting (whoops, forgot to write down where or for what) next Tuesday!

Go, go, go, go. And if I can't write because I'm wandering around, I should vacuum or something house-wifely. No, I'll write.

Ohhh hey, today's school absurdity:

During the morning assembly--parents more than welcome--the principal introduced a new face to Our Community, a dour, shaved-head safety specialist. As of this year every elementary school in this district has one. The S. Specialists sit at the entrance and sign in the visitors and parents (used to just be we'd go sign in with the secretaries) .

Why do we have them? Last spring a kid claimed he'd been approached by a man in the boys' bathroom of his elementary school. Panic! Fear! Meetings! The board or someone decided that we must have these safety specialists sitting in the entrances of the elementary schools--they already have them all over the high schools and middle schools.

Over the summer the kid admitted he'd made up the man in the bathroom.

So now every elementary school has a real guy sitting at a desk for seven hours, ready to fight off the imaginary bad guys. I suppose it's a good idea, but the moment we're cutting funding for schools in a big way.


  1. My countdown just dipped below 2 days. Happiness a-comin'. Bring on fall, darnit.

  2. Shaking my head at the safety specialist.

    We have a few of those up at the High School. Every once in a while we consider cutting them for actual campus supervision positions. Oy yoi yoi. To hear them go on at Board Meetings. "The other day I prevented a group of kids in a car from coming into OUR parking lot. There could have been GANG activity if they had gotten on OUR campus."

    Or maybe they were just trying to park and go to the Taco Bell. You Know?

    On the other hand, safety guys don't USUALLY get paid that much.

  3. Not until you strung the word school along like that did I ever make the connection between schlong and tool.

  4. glad I could help make that valuable connection lyvvie.

    Suisan the laffs keep coming. used to be they asked for parent volunteers to watch over the playground during recess. No can't have any outsiders on the exterior grounds.

    carrie, just as the fun starts, they get the weekend off, eh?


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