post orgy

Scene: the dining room.
Empty 2-liter Coke and Sprite bottles. Four large pizza boxes, several near-empty bags of different flavors of Doritoes. Crumbs of M&Ms, Rice Krispy treats, the last tray of peeps, violated (they must have been desperate!)... No tree-peeps after all, Rachel. I was looking forward to that, too.... Pencils, dice, crumpled pieces of paper. Scattered books about Dungeons and Dragons.

My oldest, a junior in high school, had a party until the ungodly hour of 10:45 last night. It only ended because I offered to drive the other four boys home and they didn't want to bother to walk. Otherwise, who knows? Eleven? Midnight?

I swear, sometimes I worry that the kid should have more danger in his life. Where are the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll? Why do I almost always know where he is? Should I fret that he worries about his grades? (God, yes, to that one. He worries too much. Maybe if I worry about his worrying then it'll take help siphon off some of the overload in the fretsophere.)

Jeepers, Beav, when I was his age, I lied and drank and smoked pot and spent illicit nights with my boyfriend. (Note: lying whilst engaged in denial is best with a steady gaze) My parents went away and I had a huge party that ended when my brother (Andy's father) came over the next day and tossed the last of the party goers out. Hey, at least we quieted down when the police came prowling around.

Sometimes I worry about when the other shoe will drop. Hell, when will the first one? But most of the time???? Usually I light a candle at my parenting altar and pray that the other two will be like their brother. I kind of doubt it. How many parents are lucky enough to raise three nerds?


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I was hoping for something juicy. Tell that kid to start enjoying his adolescence!

  2. I was wild, and I kept waiting for my kids to do crazy things. Waiting.
    One kid is a fireman/psychology student, the other is studying biology in NY and the worst he does is goes out till all hours and he actually dropped an English class (gasp). He's staying with my mother, who was Booted out of Three universities. My mother called to complain that he was staying out until all hours and not working hard enough. Part of me wanted to hollar 'Hallaluja!' the adult side of me agreed that he needed a curfew.


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