happy Twinkie day!

segue-free posting requires numbers.

1. On this day seventy-seven years ago, Twinkies tm were invented. Spongy plasticy gooey goodness Ohhhhh but only imagine my sorrow when I learned that they really are baked. All those years I "knew" twinkies were somehow made with brown chemicals to look baked. They're just regular old mass produced cakes and nothing space age after all. I blame those horrible people at the food channel who reveal the magician's secrets. The plastic guy who hosts that show--he's definitely not baked. Gah. It's enough to make me want to bite the heads off some peeps. soon, my pretties.

2. Speaking of peeps or food moments that make you lose faith, I saw some cocoa peeps at the drug store. It's a sad world. Cocoa might make those things edible.

If the kids eat them they can't be employed properly, the way peeps meant to be used. Peeps in the microwave! Yes! It's a good idea to make a small hole in the peep's plastic unless you don't mind explosions of goop all over your microwave. More interesting than just swelling but what a mess. If you do the peeps without a hole, make sure you have the camera running and send me the video, please.

3. I finished the dragon thing today--and whoosh. Off it flies to the editor. Usually I have a beta read-through period but my readers apparently all have lives. Silly women. Of course paranoid writer (redundant phrase) that I am I'm sure they all back away critting my stories because they're sick of my stuff. It's nice to be predictable, anyway.

4. I hate my stomach. Really, really tired of it.


  1. Okay, I think we're going to have to buy peeps, just to blow them up in the microwave . . .


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