another nephew

This is his myspace space.
With actual music listening pleasure!

My siblings and I have produced 13 offspring, and what a bunch of liberals they've all turned out to be. Okay, it's a little early to diagnose the two-year-old or his sisters who are ummmm. errrr, six? and maybe (oh God, I should know this) 8? Damn.

Back to what I know about Andy, the relative in the spotlight:

Andy's my older brother's kid. He's not one I know as well as the others I've featured, at least not in his current adult stage. When he was a kid, I saw him at least once a month, spent holidays with his family, took care of him while his parents went away, helped him produce a video for school, was amazed by his SuperHero PingPong Table Scenerio of Creativity, turned him upside-down and blew on his stomach, that sort of thing. He was one of the funnier kids, ever, and I've met a lot of funny kids in my life.

Now I'm going to go hunt for his sisters. . .


  1. I LOVE THe Humans music but as usual I hate myspace. Do you know how I can purchase The Humans CD? They are actually performing at The Make Out Room May 1 but it's a Tuesday night and I turn into a pumpkin around 8pm.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Hi Corndog, this is Andy. my email address is - send me your address and I'll send you a demo cd. thanks for asking.


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