Summer's Complaint

No, not poison ivy again--though thanks for asking. Yeah, it's still torturing me. I'm a weenie when it comes to physical discomfort.

Today's whine features Summer Devon.

She gets basically pretty good reviews but a lot of people complain Summer writes too short**. Yeah, but **** when I write them longer? Stuff other than sex and sexual tension creeps in. Plot, other characters, food. I try doing the uber-sensual thing with those bits (you'd think food would be easy, for god's sake). I try inserting the sexual awareness/tension into other scenes, like say, riding the subway--ooooo the way the train shakes your whole body and the sound overwhelms your other senses and . . . Summer turns into Kate and has an immature, inappropriate giggle fit or falls asleep.

The damn writing is a hokey pokey process: I write the scenes, I pull them out. I shake 'em all about. I usually produce a lot, and then dump most of it out because it doesn't seem sexy enough.

Oh, kvetch, kvetch, moan. It flows naturally to an extent, but after that, it feels like I'm adding Hamburger Helper to the meal and I don't want to dilute the meat heh heh heh.

You other smut/sensual writers out there, do you find it easier or harder to write consistent heatt?


**hey, at least you don't pay a whole lot for the short stuff. Learning Charity is only $2.50.

****You can always spot a newbie author dealing with criticism. The "yeah, but" line followed by an explanation gives her away. Yeah, but I've been writing for a gazillion years and I still find myself explaining what I meant.
No, girl. It Truly Does Not Matter what you meant. It matters what they read, and if more than a couple of people read it that way? It matters even more--to the point you might want to pay attention.


  1. Summer turns into Kate and has an immature, inappropriate giggle fit or falls asleep.

    And what, Summer can't bitchslap Kate back into shape? (Teasing. Teasing. I just love the whole dual identity thing raging behind the writing process.)

    Hey, I LIKED Learning Charity. I thought it was sexy and focused on one aspect in their relationship, conversation and intimacy. (Ok, that's two. I'm not an author. I get confuzzled.)

    As a reader--I get bored with consistent heat. After a while it turns into tab A slot B stuff.

  2. I agree with Aims. I have a hard time (no pun intended) writing nothing but heat. I also need a breather when the damn book is so convoluted or deep that a 'quickie' breaks the monotony. Probably why I can't write just one book at a stretch - if I don't have at least 2-3 WIPs going, I'm toast.

    Don't beat up Kate OR Summer - both are fabulous writers.

  3. p.s. - You found Karen? I'm jealous.

  4. p.s. - found her like 2 minutes after I posted the above - lol.

  5. yeah, it's a good thing you weren't waiting for me, huh. I can't find her again. NOTE TO SELF: BOOKMARK KAREN.


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