I'm Going to hold some sort of Left Behind Pity Party

Kimberly is having fun, PBW will be. I want to, too, eventually.

(_ Party!

In the meantime. . . on with today's rant: feedback with no commentary. Turns out it drives me nuts. I keep asking myself why did this story get some "poor" ratings? Could it be because it's too rough (it is rough), or there's no sex, the worldbuilding and systems could be improved, it's nothing but catharsis, the characters are flat, or the story structure's off? Could it be the reader thought it might be like the other Kate Rothwell stories and was disappointed?

I wanna know the why in these ratings and by gum, I'll find them. Do you get where I'm going with this?

When someone says ick but doesn't provide details I look for reasons. The story might be fine and tidy and even gorgeous, but I'll never know.

Truth is, I'm not actually looking at the story because I know better than that. The solution for this kind of crazy-making is simple: Avoidance. Don't go look at the page and don't reread the story. Unless I want to do some more work with it, the story should be outta my life.

I was just up at fictionwise for some shopping and made the mistake of clicking on my own story. I won't again.

OoooOOooo I hate the mystery factor of this kind of rating. Useless to me!


  1. Must say, the eBook description at the top of the page is damn near illiterate.

    I like your opening, though ;)


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