enter if you dare.

1. contest ends a week from Monday . . . I mean November 28, because it's nearly Thanksgiving and we're going to have a bunch of people here. Three cousins and one cousin's friend will stay with us. On the big day we'll also get another family coming over. Lots of people and have I started to clean my house? nope. Will I? maybe. No refugees this year. I don't know anyone new any more.

2. maybe while I'm cleaning the pit of doom, I'll find the Billy and Blaze tape and will include that as part of the prize. It's read by David Cassidy. I have no idea how it ended up in our lives, but it's sure to be a collector's item fetching huge prices on ebay. Yours, if you enter and win the contest--and I find it. Don't forget you'll also win the Bosnian Socks, which now come with an informative pamphlet.

3. More rulz when I think of them. Void where prohibited by law.


  1. Just thought I'd grace your page with my Presence. Here I am, world!

    Q: is my new body totally gay, or only partially gay?

  2. I can't look at it for more than a second or two before I risk eye-blisters, so the gaynitude factor will have to remain a mystery to me.


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