13 things To Do When The Muse is Stubborn
1. Habit, habit, habit. Pick a place, a chair, a desk where you only work. Start the work day the same way every time. Maybe play the same piece of music, a theme song for your book. Don't do anything else in that chair, ever. Not even check email or pay bills. Except sometimes that habit thing doesn't work. So then . . . . 2. Make up a Change of Habit kit (easy. Take these ideas and a bunch of others, put them on notecards. Then you can pick one at random) Remember to include a timer with an alarm in your kit. You'll need it or you might end up having too much fun and missing the whole day. 3. Take a walk or run or swim. Do not bring your MP3 player. Think about your book as you go. 4. Do ten minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise. Yo, do a version of this every few hours even if the muse is on your side. 5. Take a bath/shower. Instead of singing, talk aloud about one of your troublesome characters. Or talk to them if you can manage that. (I can't) 6. Rewrite that last...