Why I Need a Boss, Part IV

Someone needs to push me in a single direction because I'm all over the place, working on two books at once, both at the same stage of first draft. Bad planning, baaaaaaaad rabbit brain.

One is a fluff-o-la historical (not much sex) and one is a Half-Breed Space Aliens Taking over the world (sex! yes indeedy! uh oh, potential "too much external plot for a romance" alert. And yet no idea what's going to happen).

Neither genre is particularly popular just now, the agent hasn't said anything about either book, so there's no sense of urgency. I think I'll flip a coin to decide which I should work on today.

Oh, I forgot the semi-paranormal-fluffy Summer novella. She's selling--to the ebook world, at any rate. I can do that instead. Also first draft, but short.

hippity hop.


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hey, you need a collaborator on the SF one? Cuz I need an excuse to procrastinate on editing my romance ;)

    (The bugger is edited up to the point where you and I both became unhappy with it. I keep trying to figure out where it SHOULD go. Damn.)

  2. Seriously dude, you might find that dreck in your mailbox, along with a whiny note saying "fix it."

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Half-Breed Space Aliens Taking Over the World isn't hot? I thought green was the new red. Or black. Or something like that. But finish that one, okay? I wanna read it.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    You got it, babe :)


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