It's 60 degrees in November. Freaky. The boys have the day off and will ignore the bright sunshine and balmy weather unless I shove them outside.

As usual there're various authors behaving badly and authors behaving badly about the first authors behaving badly. Here's one link but it's everywhere and old news anyway.

notes to myself [to be filed under "obvious yet important"]:

1. Most train wrecks happen when someone gets mad or hurt.
2. Cultivate polite indifference or humor. Be Wylie or Daisy.
3. Self-righteousness doesn't work. Mmmm, feels so good though.
4. It's v. important to ignore this true fact: train wreck blog/exchanges are more interesting than the usual sort of blog entry.
5. If you do want to wade in, it's important, as ferfe says, to learn to duck.
Why yes, Abby did just link to me so, yes, it looks odd that I'm linking to her. But her meta-kerfuffle is so perfect--and it fits the subject.

* * * *

I spent yesterday making corrections on a book due to come out next month. I'm nervous because the editor didn't ask for a lot of changes in that puppy. I don't trust my own writing.


  1. Could be all those pesky rejections. They're like radio interference. Good luck.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Oh DAMN. I totally missed the huge thing at Dear Author because of the election frenzy.

    *heads off to ogle trainwreck*

  3. Kate it's like 80 here and was humid this am but we've got a cold front coming in. Thank God

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Congrats on the book. It's gonna rawk.

    That whole brouhaha, I don't understand it. The woman has a right to express her opinion. 'nuff said. If her publisher freaks, well, that's one thin-skinned publisher.

  5. Hate train wrecks. Too much noise.
    Will go crawl back under rock now.

  6. Where should I be checking for the book that is going to be released? Is it KR or Summer Devon? Inquiring minds...

    And the latest Authors Behaving Badly? I didn't think it was all that bad. Not all that smart, but not bad until Miss Snark posted on it.

    And it was 75F here in balmy Balmer yesterday. I didn't know what to do with myself. Had to lounge in the hammock enjoying the sun.


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