what do you think?

Yesterday my kid came home with a sealed envelope. Very important! he said. You have to read this!

It was a single piece of paper. On one side, a note from the principal:
This morning we were notified by the superintendent's office of a serious situation in our community of which you should be aware. The police department notified the superintendent of a registered sex offender who resides at [address, complete with apartment number]. His name is [full name] and he was born May 22, 1934. The notice is on the back of this letter and you can call Detective Dawn Lascari if you want more info. The person involved is not wanted or subject to any criminal investigation.

The rest of the letter is all about talking about "Stranger Danger" and how we do the Three R's: Run, Remember and Report.

Finishing with . . Let us know at school if you have a particular concern or need some guidance in speaking with your child. We are all partners in protecting the safety of our children.

On the other side: the note to the school from the police department mentioning that the guy has had numerous arrests for sex assaults against minors dating back to 1963. And here's a place to go look at a photo of him. Yup, I remember seeing him on the site--an old angry-looking dude with level four offenses. He's a high risk pedophile.

Okay here's what I want to write to the principal about being a partner in protecting the safety of our children.

Because you guys made a big deal about this, my kid stood there watching me open the letter. He kept asking me questions, so I eventually handed him the letter. I pointed out that the guy is in his seventies, that he doesn't live very close to us--and the kid didn't freak out as much as he has in the past.

Maybe the kid has finally lost his interest because of constant Fear of Strangers. We've talked about Stranger Danger every year we've lived here because the kids have had that kind of crappy homework every damn year of elementary school. You must go over it in class, too. Once, when I was standing in a grocery line with the kid, I made casual conversation with someone. The boy freaked and told me not to talk to strangers.
When we moved to this area, I knew about the sexual offender line and I looked up the people in the neighborhood. This "serious situation" has been going on for several years. That guy has been living there for at least four years. Clearly he's been living up to the terms of his probation or his ass would be in jail.
I think by posting his name and address on a piece of paper sent home to every family in the school, you're not only scaring the shit out of kids, giving them a Boogieman, you're letting the old sick guy in for some misery. Granted, he's caused plenty of misery in his past, but I don't think that lets you off the Alarm! Alarm! hook.
I can just see some bored middle school kids or pissed off or drunken parents finding that piece of paper with the name and address and deciding what they should do about the old perv in the neighborhood. Over the years you've given the perv too much power to scare the kids and now you've given the neighborhood too much information about the perv. Not good. Next time, don't give out the details on paper, okay? Yes, our kids deserve protection but even the old sex offender deserves protection.

Tell us about the website. Tell us to call for more information. And if you're going to give out details, why not skip his name and specific address and tell us what kind of kids he goes for, his M.O. and what the hell "level four offence" means.

Okay, you guys. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The best scenario is to get any sex offenders to move. Complain to their lanlord and threaten legal action. I read some similiar articles at http://sexoffenderinfo.blogspot.com

  2. move where? where're they supposed to go? They've served their time.

    I'm all for keeping my kids safe. And I'm hoping the police are keeping as close an eye as possible on potential scum. I'm praying that the offenders are getting the medical/psychological help they need to keep from doing it again.

    But until the guy does something (anything) I can't see making an effort to shove him out of his home. I'd be restraining myself for the sake of the kids, actually. I don't want to give that kind of NIMBY example to them.

  3. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I say, as a Board member three thousand miles away from you, that you should send the letter to not only the principal, but also to the School Commmitee or School Board (whatever you quaint New Englanders are calling it these days.)

    First, the principal may be acting on his own in sending out the letter, or it may be a district-wide alert. Either way, the entire district should know that there are parents who think this approach is flawed.

    Second, you should ask them to explain why the alert was needed, and what a level four offence is.

    Third, you should point out that by making this guy, who as you've said has been living in the community for some time, to be the one and only boogieman, then kids will lose their appropriate sense of what is a truly dangerous situation. (All strangers are bad, or, it can't be a bad guy if it's not the registered sex offender that the school warned me against.)

    Fourth, it is my understanding, although this could obviously differ state to state, that he police have to make an ANNUAL report of registered sex offenders to the schools. The letter from the police may have simply been that annual report. I'd like to know if the school district is going to react with this level of shock and alarm every year. If so, I'd have a real problem with that--parents of young kids are notoriously emotional and fearful. Talk about repurcussions. I'd ask the District and the Board to please consider annually reporting the website to the parents and the fact that a "Level four" sex offender lives within city boundaries, and then leaving it at that.

    For me, the red flag of hysteria goes up when I read a missive from the school district which talks about either "partnering" or "Primary concern." Because everything controversial is apparently our primary concern. Tics me off.

    Anyway, good luck with your stranger safety and Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. I basically cut and pasted your note, Suisan--and after a couple of changes, sent it to a bunch of people. I didn't give you credit though..sorry.

    But it was so much nicer and more constructive than the one I'd started.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I figure that when I get a letter from a parent which represents a point of view I've never heard before, that it represents about twenty other parents who essentially feel the same way, but who never bothered to write a letter.

    This is different all over, but the district does have some responsibility, and certainly the superintendnet does, in making sure that the communications which go out from the district to the parents are accurate and appropriate. From time to time our Middle School Prinicipal sends out something which is both accurate and misleading. She has a tendency to put an odd spin on things.

    I think Boards and Superintedents should be aware of how their "We care for and protect your children" messages are received by parents. They don't get quite enough feedback to be aware of nuances.

    And I don't mind about the credit. How would that work, exactly? "I know this Zorro fan whose children wear Bosnian socks, and she apparently sits on a school board somewhere, and she said that I ought to ask these questions."

    Vurry convincing.

  6. Cora--I think the kid that wouldn't let me talk in the grocery line was fresh out of the Stranger Danger unit. . .they're not that scared of strangers usually. Kids I know don't go up to people and start conversations but they don't run away when someone asks them the time.

    Suisan--you forgot the circus experience. That's important when considering your credentials.

  7. Anonymous9:13 PM

    yeah, the former circus roustabout, former horse trainer, former stallion ejaculate collector, and former "retail associate" are the job titles which realy get me to the top of any applicant pool. ;)

    Why am I still surfing your blog the night before THanksgiving? Clearly there's a lot of vacuuming that I simply Do Not Want To Do. Humph.

  8. Anonymous3:49 AM

    So this is where the cool people hang out.

    I'd say, "Send the letter," but you already did!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I'm with you. I give the kids a stranger danger talk all the time, and it's gotten to where I get the third degree just for saying "Good Morning" to someone I pass on the street. I've never heard of the Three R's though.

    If that kind of letter got sent out here, that pedo wouldn't be living out the week. And you guys have guns and everything. It does smack of the old west, "Run him outta town!".

    I would, however like to know who it is and if a letter came through telling me a registered offender was in the area and for more info to look at various sites or call so and so, I would follow it up.

    I do wonder if the guy would be able to bring a lawsuit against the school...but none of it is slander, just gossip. The school doesn't owe him any rights to confidentiality like they do for their students. So it really does seem more like a "Grab your torch and pitchfork!" kind of thing.

    So yeah, well done.

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    This isn't exactly on par with the topic of your blog post, but I wanted to say that despite all of this, I hope you have a good Turkey Day! :)

  11. Man, a note like that from school would piss me off. But I don't think I'd be able to articulate it as clearly as you do.

    I like suisan's points a lot.

  12. Hmmm. we just got the same letter from the middle school, and our pals in another elementary school got one too. That school doesn't cover an area near ours. So we talking about a district wide decision.

    That means THOUSANDS of families got the letter. Did the school board want the man killed or driven off? One wonders.


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