brained (ow)

Due to wine consumed at a party, I had two very vivid dreams last night.

In the first, I met with a group of philosophers (either philosophers or writers or both, maybe) and we discussed something astounding and essentially TRUTHFUL. I know we had amazing revelations--I have no idea what we concluded.

In the second dream I brought home a cute leetle kitten, and my husband stomped on it. On purpose.

Guess which dream has stuck with me all day?


  1. Your philosopher's dream? I used to have the same sensation whenever I got stoned. I was sure I was thinking the most important thing ever, and I tried really hard to hold onto it. WHen I sobered up I had no idea what had been going on.

    But then the next time I got stoned, I'd *remember* the thing that was so important and had recently forgotten (or at least I assumed it was the same thing). So damned annoying. I guess that's why I only got stoned a few times--crazy making.

    I'm betting the kitten dream wasn't easily forgotten though. Blegh.


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