I feel sorry for you

if you don't live in New England in the autumn.


  1. Well, miss Katie, I feel sorry for you if you don't live in the Canadian prairies in the winter. It's builds tremendous character, you know ;-)

    My brother just moved to Boston (the lucky bastard). I am deeply, deeply jealous of the both of you.

  2. I grew up in Massachusetts and miss New England in October terribly from my foggy, misty, rainy perch over here in the Bay Area in California. We don't have a Fall. One day it's 89 degrees and the next the fog rolls in--60 and raining everyday until sometime in March.


    Totally depressing--and the trees Don't Change. Blegh.

    I knit too--so I'd love to pepper my wardrobe with lots of sweaters for the crips Fall air. Nope. 89 one day, rain slickers the next. Sniff.

  3. I get enough character building in February, Ms. Reece. I'll just have to suffer with a weaker character than you.

    So, suisan? Move here--we could use a better school board.

  4. Kate, I am so tempted.

    (We actually looked into moving to upsate NY a few years back--I'd love to have horses in my backyard. But there's the whole issue of employment. Dear Butcher's skills tap into the salary pools better if he's working in The City. But then, if his business keeps expanding, we might revisit the issue again.)

    Because I do miss Fall very much. The air smells different, more metallic.


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