speaking of which, did you know

This week or last was some kind of International Delurker Week. Megan asked people for their favorite numbers and colors. I'll ask what's your least favorite number or color? My answers:

9 because I stank at the 9s timestable and everyone insisted it was the easiest
puce because the word is ewww and it is actually the color of flea's blood.
Or maybe that means it's my favorite color. Sometimes.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Least favorite number . . . 4. I dislike even numbers. Why, I don't know. Call me weird.

    Least favorite color? Yellow. Which is really odd, because I once painted my kitchen and dining room a sunny yellow. Maybe that's why I hate it, LOL.

  2. Least favorite number is 7, because it's all lucky and stuff.

    Least favorite color is probably peach. My grandparents gave me a peach sweater when I was about 12, nothing like a light, pastel tone to make a 150 pound, five foot tall girl look FANTASTIC.

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Ooh, you flushed us out. Darn delurking weeks.

    Least favourite colour would probably be very yellow based greens. Can I be that specific? Least favourite number? Hmmm. 2006?

  4. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Least favorite number is 13. I can't get over the stigma. And my least favorite color is pink. There really is something wrong with pink and pink clothing...or blue eyeshadow...or white shoes unless they are tennis shoes. Gold lamais is horrible too. Ok, I just realized I don't like any colors except black.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Least favorite number? Why, that's number discrimination! I would never be so crass as to not love all the numbers equally.

    Well, ok, except for maybe pi. (Does that count as a number, or just an enigma?) It always threw me a little when calculating circumferances and such because if we don't know pi down to the last digit, how to we know the calculations are correct? Made the whole exercise seem like a big waste of time.

    As for least favorite color, I guess I'd have to go with orange, despite the fact that it's one of the two colors for my alma mater (which means I'm supposed to adore it, I think).

  6. Off topic, but I just wanted to say happy holidays and thank you for your encouragment this year. I've really appreciated your feedback :)

    Best for the new year,

  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    A delurking post! What a great idea!

    Least favorite number: like Corn Dog, I'm a tiny bit superstitious about 13. A tiiiiny bit.

    Least favorite color: damn near anything pastel.


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