
We're watching a CD we got from the library--Firefly--and we're liking it. How come this didn't get big? Huh? It's very cool.

UPDATE: The boys are using their precious screen time to watch it AGAIN. And it's actually holding up. Love the little touches like the Chinese influence and the music. . .and the adaptation of all the old west stereotypes. I say it's a crime that shows like Trump's Apprentice thrive and this goes pppppppppfffff

I feel like I do when I discover a new author on par with Loretta Chase.

UPDATE 2: The tense lawman and hostage scene and Mal, walking onto the ship, ends it without breaking stride and then tosses the body overboard. Omigod. That is fantastic. It's better than that Indiana Jones and the pistol moment. And Wash with the Dinosaurs. "We shall call this land. . .'This Land'"

What were those Fox types thinking? Cancellation of this show is an even more egregious offence than the fact that they give Bill O'Reilly a platform. No, wait. Okay, I got hysterical for a moment. But canceling this was pretty bad.


  1. If you like Firefly, you may want to check out the movie Serenity, which is set in the same universe with the same characters. Whedon made the movie after the show was cancelled.

    Beyond good storytelling, the show had excellent eye candy. Mmm, Nathan Fillion.

  2. I LOVE Firefly. I'm also one of those who never heard of it and ended up watching it on DVD. It's sad because it's truly original PLUS fantastic characterization (all the characters are so fully realized, even characters that show up only in one episdoe are superbly written) and a great storyline. I'm sad that we didn't get more episodes. Definitely watch all the episodes before you watch Serenity. It helps (I'd seen the series, but my husband hadn't and there were nuances in the movie I explained to him).

    After watching Firefly I was lusting for someone to submit a great western space opera to me. I still am but alas, my wishes don't seem to be coming to fruition any time soon. *sniffle* I must be on Santa's naughty list.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    OMG, you're just now discovering Firefly? But... but.. it's Whedon!

    It is better watching on DVD than when it was on TV, though. Episodes shown out of order, disappearing for weeks on end... somebody really didn't want this show to succeed.

  4. A travesty I tell you! A complete travesty of justice. Bad Fox.

  5. One of many reasons I don't watch TV any more. . . . every time I fell in love with a show, it instantly died.

    I have seen Firefly on dvd and it absolutely rocks. Be sure to rent "Serenity" for some more good watching.

    This is what happens when programming is controlled by idiots with no artistic taste who really couldn't care less what the intelligent public loves because they are not part of the intelligent public themselves.

  6. I want to open-mouth kiss Mal. And Inara.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    apparently the network showed the episodes out of order and kept shifting it around in the schedule, so it never founds its audience

    Isn't this the way that every network shows anything sci-fi or vaguely original??? It sure is here.

    Yep, we enjoyed Firefly, too. The DH bought the DVDs, because there was only a few episodes shown on TV.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The fate of shows like Firefly and Arrested Development have me thinking sometimes that FOX is more than a touch schizophrenic...on the one hand they can find and get developed these wonderful things that actually deserve to be televised, then on the other, they seem to do what they can to not only kill them off, but make the audience that likes them suffer during the process.

  9. Actually, JW said recently that the network wanted him to do different things with the series than he wanted, and he didn't conform the way they told him to, so they buried the series.

    Then all the fans made it their mission to tell the world about the morons at Fox, campained for a comeback, raised money themselves for the movie...and lo, Serenity was born. There's even a featurette about it on the DVD.


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