RWA, again?

If I'm going to complain when they do dumb stuff, then I should applaud when they do good stuff. This is what I hope for from a professional writers' group. Thank you, Nicole Burnham

RWA will be undertaking an a legal analysis of agency contracts, as well as the agency clauses inpublishing contracts, with an eye to educating members about what these clauses mean and how thewording in these clauses can affect authors' intellectual property rights and writing income.If you have signed with an agency in the last year, or if you have seen a change in contract terms ineither your agency contract or in the agency clause of your publishing contract in the last year, RWA would like to hear about it. Please forward a copy of your agency contract and, if possible, theagency clause of your publishing contract (this is the provision inserted by the agent into your publishing contract which states the name of the agent and how they are to be paid, and is usually near the end of the contract) either by snail mail or e-mail to:
Nicole Burnham
RWA Region One Director
PO Box 229
Hopkinton, MA 01748
nic @ (take out the spaces in her email addie) If e-mailing, please be sure to put "RWA Contract Analysis" in the subject line. If you wish, feel free to mark out the author name and any monetary amounts (though percentages are helpful.) All author names will be kept strictly confidential. Information gathered will be used for articles in the RWR, workshops, and other educational programs to better inform members of the meaning and effect of contract language. If you have any questions about this program, please e-mail Nicole Burnham at nic @ is granted to forward this post in its entirety.


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