Oh, oops

So let's say you have a blurb/back copy for a book and a kind reader points out that there are glaring historical issues with the copy. (and really, a very kind reader since he/she didn't blast it all over the internets.)

The issues are only with the blurb, not the book. Trouble is you've put those particular paragraphs all over the webs. Every. Where. You. Can.

Do you.
1. Go back and change the very few places you can change....very quietly. Don't say anything and post correct info henceforth.
2. Go back to the various groups you've visited and say "HEY, yeah, we got that wrong. Here's the right way. And not to look defensive or anything but it's not like that in the book. No really!"

It's not a life or death issue, barely worth a groan and eyeroll. But it's interesting only because the times I've seen public corrections by authors they tend look defensive or nit-picky or both.

So that's why it's worth writing a post about--trying to figure out that careful mincing dance writers do as they attempt not to look like either ignorant twits or hypersensitive jerks.


  1. I had book cover copy that misspelled the hero's name. I didn't misspell it so I figure it's not my mistake to fix. I haven't said a word about it, and nobody has noticed. Probably nobody will notice whatever's wrong with your blurb, either.

    These things are huge to us, but pretty much unnoticeable to the world at large.

  2. normally I'd say eh, no problem, but I've learned that a lot historical readers hate hate hate inaccuracies and will avoid book that gets stuff wrong (like mentioning a war that doesn't take place for a few decades)

    I'd go all snarky about "history police" but fact is I've been jerked out of a story by just that kind of problem so I sympathize with them.

  3. and there is the fact that mentioning a war that doesn't take place for a few decades is .... glaring.

    More than a misspelling, I'd say.


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