paging Toni

I've lost the email address of Toni, the person who wrote me a nice note about Ratcatcher and added "but look at these mistakes you made," and included an easy-to-read list of page numbers and the typos on 'em.

I immediately recognized a potential sucker beta reader who's also an excellent proofer. She was someone I could really take advantage of use in my life. She said sure, she'd do it and I started sending out mss for her to read and check. Then a minor disaster struck. I lost her addie in the great Email Disaster Purge of two months ago. Did I mention how much I hate Outlook? Answer = even more than I hate Windows Vista.

But no time for tangents. I have to get to work.

Yo, if you read this blog, and want to read more manuscripts, please, please, please let me know, Toni!!!

And yeah, I'd pay her.


  1. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Toni here. Just sent you my email address. Hope you got it.

  2. YAY! Thank you.


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