Books! so many FREE BOOKS.

look! a big book give-away at Dear Author. It's in celebration of National Coming Out Day. Sarah Frantz organized it and she's got about A MILLION TITLES there.

I went looking for it because our books are there (you have to go way down the list because Summer is listed first) but stopped to look over that list twice because there are some great titles on there.

And related to NCOD, how about that NY governor race? I was delighted by a throwaway remark Andrew Cuomo made about his opponent's rabid anti-homosexual viewpoint.

Here's why I was happy ---> because it was not the part of the story that everyone jumped on.

Cuomo said Paladino's opinion that gays are dysfunctional "goes against the mainstream" and that Cuomo remark didn't get any kind of "oh yeah?" response from the reporters** ....That is very cool. Because the mainstream has shifted and for once, it's drifting closer to sanity.

Of course the fact that Paladino believes saying crap will get him votes is not a sign of progress. But still. The man is out of the mainstream.

**not even the NY Post. I bet there will be some "oh yeah?" going on in the comments, but they most definitely don't count.


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