You know what I love? Lines like this: I like Summer Devon’s work precisely because she’s a competent author who writes well and you know exactly what you’re getting when you pick up one of her books. That's from a review of Sibling Rivals out in October. The reviewer liked the book, but it didn't set her world on fire. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Pleasant but not enthusiastic review. When I headed over to goodreads, I couldn't help but notice other people were hmm about the book. Of course now I'm in a raging tizzy of fear. I get pretty good reviews. I'm no constant five star queen but, yeah, I'm used to a general "go, Kate/Summer!" Maybe this one will not quite get the same applause. And I tried to think what was different about this book? I might have an answer. I think I know who to point a finger at. I have someone to blame if this falls on its face. The reviewers! Naw, no, hahahahaha, just kidding. The author! No. Way. She's gr...