sbd Medicus
Oh, boy! Another new series! And I'm in love. The main character is my favorite kind of guy. He's smart, means well, isn't entirely successful because he is basically a pushover. He has an edge of pompousness and catches it in himself. In other words, he's human.
What more could you want? Ruth Downie creates something Pratchettish in that we get a world that is entirely different but basically the same as ours. Instead of the disk world, this is Roman Britain. The main character is a doctor with the Roman occupiers and he worries about the same sorts of things we do, too much work, too much debt, how to deal with an errant slave (almost the same sorts of things). The secondary characters are fun as well. His roommate, "the good-looking doctor," is a hoot. The sort-of-love interest is the slave, who is mysterious and practical, but not as wonderful as I'd hoped --so far. She's got potential.
Also there is a murder mystery that the main character is not responsible for solving (as he tells anyone who asks him how the investigation is going). I had sort of guessed at perpetrator, but that's good. Sort of guessing means there are real clues and not the usual false trails. I love the world building and I'm just as glad I don't know doodly about that time/place because I'm sure I'd have had to have those moments of discord that pull you out of the story. Bad enough I notice story structure etc when I just want to read, read, read.
The first book was free (I don't think it is any more.) The second, that I've already bought, is 99 cents. The rest. . . . oh well. It's just money.
Oh, freebie kindle books, you've done it again, you gateway to sloth. Led me to another long path of avoiding work. But until I realize I've wasted my life on reading instead of work, at least I have that Hah! aha! feeling when you stumble across a book that works for you.
And speaking of books...I also bought SEP's latest. It was good, I enjoyed it. Gulped it down in one sitting. No one does hate/love bickering better. But if you asked me what the book was about, I'd probably give back a plot that's an amalgam of SEPs: hate that's love that's fire-y passion (placid, warm love is a big no-no in her world.), a town full of despicable characters who turn out to be just fine people. Not her fault -- mine. That's what glomming does to a person.
What more could you want? Ruth Downie creates something Pratchettish in that we get a world that is entirely different but basically the same as ours. Instead of the disk world, this is Roman Britain. The main character is a doctor with the Roman occupiers and he worries about the same sorts of things we do, too much work, too much debt, how to deal with an errant slave (almost the same sorts of things). The secondary characters are fun as well. His roommate, "the good-looking doctor," is a hoot. The sort-of-love interest is the slave, who is mysterious and practical, but not as wonderful as I'd hoped --so far. She's got potential.
Also there is a murder mystery that the main character is not responsible for solving (as he tells anyone who asks him how the investigation is going). I had sort of guessed at perpetrator, but that's good. Sort of guessing means there are real clues and not the usual false trails. I love the world building and I'm just as glad I don't know doodly about that time/place because I'm sure I'd have had to have those moments of discord that pull you out of the story. Bad enough I notice story structure etc when I just want to read, read, read.
The first book was free (I don't think it is any more.) The second, that I've already bought, is 99 cents. The rest. . . . oh well. It's just money.
Oh, freebie kindle books, you've done it again, you gateway to sloth. Led me to another long path of avoiding work. But until I realize I've wasted my life on reading instead of work, at least I have that Hah! aha! feeling when you stumble across a book that works for you.
And speaking of books...I also bought SEP's latest. It was good, I enjoyed it. Gulped it down in one sitting. No one does hate/love bickering better. But if you asked me what the book was about, I'd probably give back a plot that's an amalgam of SEPs: hate that's love that's fire-y passion (placid, warm love is a big no-no in her world.), a town full of despicable characters who turn out to be just fine people. Not her fault -- mine. That's what glomming does to a person.
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